How Strong Are Miniature Screws Anyway?

Don’t let their size fool you. Miniature screws are capable fasteners, despite their small size. To learn more about their strength, and their capabilities, read on to learn more about miniature screws.

Check out our EZ Screw Builder to build your custom screw!

When to Use a Miniature Screw

Miniature screws are commonly used when putting together electronics and eyeglasses. Their diameters can range from 1mm to 4mm. Therefore they are invisible to the naked eye.

Additionally, these screws are useful to a wide variety of industries. They can assist orthodontists, those who work in the tech business, and even surgeons.

How Strong is a Miniature Screw?

A screw, no matter its size, must always be constructed with high-quality materials medium carbon steel wire. Otherwise, the screw can crack and break — rendering it infective. And when using these devices in surgical procedures, that’s the last thing you want.

While miniature screws themselves are quite delicate — they are small enough to put together the most precarious items. They can’t necessarily hold an entire building together, but they are powerful due to their unique nature. Using a standard screw to build a computer’s hard drive or tighten braces would not be ideal in the least.

More Benefits of Miniature Screws

Since mini screws are so delicate, they are the perfect candidate for skeletal anchorage devices. They can be screwed directly into the bone without any drastic repercussions.

They also have a high success rate since they can be installed and removed with ease. Lastly, miniature screws are often self drilling, so despite their small size, they are easy to use in most situations.

For all of Your Miniature Screw Needs

In conclusion, while miniature screws aren’t strong screws in the sense that you would think, they are powerful due to their wide range of capabilities.

If you’re currently in the market for a trustworthy strong screw manufacturer, make sure to give us a call for all of your micro fastener needs. We serve a wide variety of industries from the medical professionals of the world, to the innovative tech business professionals.

No matter what kind of fastener you need, whether you’re looking to build or repair, we can help guide you along the way so you can make the best choice for your customers and clients.

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