Three Uses for Custom-Made Tiny Screws

Until 1928, screws were handmade, so no two were ever alike. The National Screw Thread Commission established the standards for screw threads, so screws were then able to be used interchangeably. Despite this fairly recent development, screws have been used for years. Their use in joining materials has yet to be outlived, and there’s no end to the use of screws anytime soon.

Check out our EZ Screw Builder to build your custom screw!

With such a popular item present in every hardware store, sizing shouldn’t be difficult, but the truth of the matter is finding the right sized screw, in terms of length and width, can be difficult. For delicate projects, smaller screws are a necessity, while big projects require bigger screws. Luckily, the number of custom screw companies available makes finding the right screw size for your projects or livelihood a breeze.

If you think you need a custom screw size but aren’t quite sure, let’s review three things that tiny screws can be used for.


It’s easy to forget that the seemingly complicated machines that most of us use in our daily lives actually benefit from the usefulness of screws. A laptop’s protective casing is attached with tiny screws, and beneath this casing, those little screws keep the functionality of the laptop intact. The smaller the screw, the smaller products developers can create and innovate. If you run a tech repair shop, having tiny screws on hand for repair and replacement can be incredibly useful.

Dainty Pieces of Furniture

Maybe you’re running a successful wood-crafting business and you take custom orders. You land a project you’re excited about for a small piece of furniture or decoration, something you don’t have the right screws for. In this instance, a custom-created micro screw could be very handy, perfect for working on this project and satisfying another customer. Having micro screws on hand can never hurt; after all, who knows what kind of customers or orders may arrive in your future? Having just a few of these screws on hand can help you when you least expect it.


Just like the world of computers, tiny screws have a valuable place in robotics as well. Whether you teach a robotics course or you’re involved with building, micro screws can never be too far away. The opportunity or need for these tiny screws will undoubtedly pop up when you least expect it, so keep a few custom-sized screws on hand to meet those needs. The future of your robotics project may depend on those screws, and the scientific strides that this project could make could be innumerable.

The world of customization is a broad one, indeed. Products from custom cars to footwear, sound systems, and kitchens all have a certain level of demand. As more and more people discover an exact product they need, the need for customization becomes more pressing. Custom-made miniature screws are becoming more popular for a whole host of reasons, so having these screws on hand could be of great benefit to your business.

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